Chapter 1

41. (The scribe was wroth thereat. He spake: O Adonai and my master, I have borne the inkhorn and the pen without pay, in order that I might search this river of Amrit, and sail thereon as one of ye. This I demand for my fee, that I partake of the echo of your kisses.)
    42. (And immediately it was granted unto him.)
    43. (Nay; but not therewith was he content. By an infinite abasement unto shame did he strive. Then a voice:)
    44. Thou strivest ever; even in thy yielding thou strivest to yield— and lo! thou yieldest not.
    45. Go thou unto the outermost places and subdue all things.
    46. Subdue thy fear and thy disgust. Then— yield!
    47. There was a maiden that strayed among the corn, and sighed; then grew a new birth, a narcissus, and therein she forgot her sighing and her loneliness.
    48. Even instantly rode Hades heavily upon her, and ravished her away.
    49. (Then the scribe knew the narcissus in his heart; but because it came not to his lips, therefore was he shamed and spake no more.)
