Chapter 4

38. Across the waveless sea of eternity Thou didst ride with Thy captains and Thy hosts; with Thy chariots and horsemen and spearmen didst Thou travel through the blue.
    39. Before I saw Thee Thou wast already with me; I was smitten through by Thy marvellous spear.
    40. I was stricken as a bird by the bolt of the thunderer; I was pierced as the thief by the Lord of the Garden.
    41. O my Lord, let us sail upon the sea of blood!
    42. There is a deep taint beneath the ineffable bliss; it is the taint of generation.
    43. Yea, though the flower wave bright in the sunshine, the root is deep in the darkness of earth.
    44. Praise to thee, O beautiful dark earth, thou art the mother of a million myriads of myriads of flowers.
