Chapter 3

4. But I remembered. Yea, Than, yea, Theli, yea, Lilith! these three were about me from of old. For they are one.
    5. Beautiful wast thou, O Lilith, thou serpent-woman!
    6. Thou wast lithe and delicious to the taste, and thy perfume was of musk mingled with ambergris.
    7. Close didst thou cling with thy coils unto the heart, and it was as the joy of all the spring.
    8. But I beheld in thee a certain taint, even in that wherein I delighted.
    9. I beheld in thee the taint of thy father the ape, of thy grandsire the Blind Worm of Slime.
    10. I gazed upon the Crystal of the Future, and I saw the horror of the End of thee.
