Chapter 3

15. Also I prayed unto the Elephant God, the Lord of Beginnings, who breaketh down obstruction.
    16. These gods came right quickly to mine aid. I beheld them; I joined myself unto them; I was lost in their vastness.
    17. Then I beheld myself compassed about with the Infinite Circle of Emerald that encloseth the Universe.
    18. O Snake of Emerald, Thou hast no time Past, no time To Come. Verily Thou art not.
    19. Thou art delicious beyond all taste and touch, Thou art not-to-be-beheld for glory, Thy voice is beyond the Speech and the Silence and the Speech therein, and Thy perfume is of pure ambergris, that is not weighed against the finest gold of the fine gold.
    20. Also Thy coils are of infinite range; the Heart that Thou dost encircle is an Universal Heart.
