Chapter 3

40. I am become like a luscious devil of Italy; a fair strong woman with worn cheeks, eaten out with hunger for kisses. She hath played the harlot in divers palaces; she hath given her body to the beasts.
    41. She hath slain her kinsfolk with strong venom of toads; she hath been scourged with many rods.
    42. She hath been broken in pieces upon the Wheel; the hands of the hangman have bound her unto it.
    43. The fountains of water have been loosed upon her; she hath struggled with exceeding torment.
    44. She hath burst in sunder with the weight of the waters; she hath sunk into the awful Sea.
    45. So am I, O Adonai, my lord, and such are the waters of Thine intolerable Essence.
    46. So am I, O Adonai, my beloved, and Thou hast burst me utterly in sunder.
    47. I am shed out like spilt blood upon the mountains; the Ravens of Dispersion have borne me utterly away.
    48. Therefore is the seal unloosed, that guarded the Eighth abyss; therefore is the vast sea as a veil; therefore is there a rending asunder of all things.
